07 Twilight Mania

188 words

The Twilight Saga is a series of four books by Stephenie Meyer. It's about a normal teenage girl, Bella, and her *not-so-normal teenage boyfriend. The thing that is strange about Edward, Bella's boyfriend, is that he has been a teenager for a long, long time. In Meyer's fantasy world, he is a vampire and he has been alive since the early 20th century. The first book was published in 2005. It follows Bella as she first meets Edward and then falls in love with him.

At first, the books became popular in the United States. Due to a strong Internet following, Twilight mania has been catching on all over the world. Though the books have faced some criticism, it has not slowed their rise in popularity. The books have been translated into many languages, and in 2008, a film based on the first book in the series was released to positive reviews. The story of The Twilight Saga has also been made into comics. Don't be surprised if you see the faces of Bella and Edward on the Twilight books the next time you go to the bookstore!

*not-so-normal あまりふつうでない
