12 Insomnia

205 words

*Insomnia is a disorder that affects many people around the world. If you have ever had difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, then you know what it feels like to have insomnia.

A sleepless night can be caused by stress, poor diet or other health problems. In severe cases, insomnia can last for days, weeks or even months.

There are many short-term effects of insomnia. People suffering from insomnia often complain about getting easily irritated or feeling confused. Though research is still being done, high blood pressure, memory loss and depression are considered long-term effects of insomnia.

Depending on the cause, there are many different treatments for insomnia. For patients who cannot sleep because of stress, doctors will give advice on how to manage stress. For patients with poor diet or other health problems, an improvement in diet or an increase in exercise can be a solution. If these treatments don't work, doctors prescribe drugs that help their patients fall asleep at night. These drugs can have some side effects, so doctors use them as a *last resort.

Though insomnia affects many people, it is often short-lived. In most cases, people will experience a sleepless night and then be back to normal the next night.

*insomnia 不眠症 / last resort 最後の手段
