校内留学2021 Day 5

Today was the 5th and final day of the 校内留学 program for 2021. The students did an amazing job. In the morning they discussed SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). After listening to a short presentation by each group leader, each group chose an SDG to discuss and then they came up with a plan to help achieve that goal. Goals such as ending poverty and hunger or creating a healthy society were popular with students. Their presentations were excellent.

After lunch break, the students gave their final speeches. We heard many amazing speeches. Students talked about what they learned during this program: how to think positively, leadership skills, finding their identity, achieving their future goals. They also talked about their dreams such as becoming an astronaut, a pharmacist, a teacher, a childcare worker, someone who helps deaf or blind people, a person who works for an NGO or NPO, an inventor and many more great dreams.

Then it was time to say goodbye to our group leaders. Thank you for an amazing week to all of the university students.

We will never forget these wonderful group leaders. Thank you for your hard work and leadership. We can see our future in part because of your help.