2022 校内留学 Day 2

Day 2 started out with students learning how to think positively. They had discussions in their groups about why it is important to think positively and why it is important to approach problems with a positive attitude. They read about Dr. Nakamura Tetsu, who helped people living in Afghanistan. His story is very inspirational, but also tragic. However, they learned the importance of having compassion, showing kindness and love, and taking action to improve the lives of others.

The next activity was a discussion about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Students learned about the 17 different SDGs and discussed why SDGs are important and what is their purpose. Students came up with various good ideas: helping the enviornment, increasing equality, improving education, decreasing poverty, cleaning up the oceans.

After lunch break, students discussed with their group leaders about food production and why buying food that is locally produced can be good for the environment and our health. The identified products that are prodcued overseas as well as those produced locally in Japan or even more locally in places around Osaka.

Lastly, they learned about the food of their group leader's home country. Food like Egusi Soup (made from egusi melon) from Nigeria, Oshiruko (rice bowl dish) from China, Chipsi Mayai (fried egg dish) and Kachumbari (salad) from Tanzani, and Jollof Rice from Nigeria. The students presented about each food and the ingredients needed to make them. Then, they explained whether they can get the ingredients in Japan or whether they have to use a different ingredient. Their presentations made me hungry!