2022 校内留学 Day 3

Today, students started by thinking about their identity. Looking at a long list of descriptive words, they chose some words that describe themselves. After that, they gave presentations in their groups talking about their identity and why they chose certain words to describe themselves. Many students improved their ability to speak with confidence and speak loudly. Students could feel improvement in their first presentation today.


Later, they spent time preparing for a presentation on a topic. They could choose from 3 topics: smartphones, school uniforms, or something they like about their school. After some preparation, they presented in front of two groups. They practiced speaking while making gestures and eye contact. Many students could do this very well.

After the lunch break, they discussed SDG number 4, which is about quality education. They discussed why education is important and how it is related to making the world better. They learned about the education situation in different countries and why they are lucky to live in a country that provides access to education for all people living in Japan.


Lastly, each group developed a presentation focusing on a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of education. Students made posters and presented for about 2 minutes in front of all groups. Each group did an excellent job, showing their skills at preparing quickly and coming up with good ideas as a team. The students did a great job! We look forward to seeing them grow more in the final two days of the program.