大阪府立春日丘高等学校 サイトマップ  アクセス  お問い合わせ  英語版
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Asia Youth Conference【韓国城南市】

アジアユース2015   2015年10月26日〜31日 日本代表として、村山朝香・雜賀亜以子(1年)の 2名が韓国城南市で開かれたアジアユースカンファレンスに参加しました。
 ※アジアユースカンファレンスは、日本・中国・韓国・フィリピン・マレーシアの5か国から  計100名が、教育・政策・人権・遊びと文化の4つの分科会に分かれ、  (未来に向けて)「幸せなアジアの青年」をテーマに討論(すべて英語)し発表する大会です。  2015年は韓国城南市において開催され、本校からは青少年の主張コンクール出場者(東北ボランティア参加者)の2名が日本代表団の推薦により派遣されました。
  提言に向けて   ワークショップ   討論したアジアの仲間たちと    


【Saika Aiko(雜賀 亜以子)】
I discussed about "Youth are happy education". I knew common and difference among countries. For example, too much homework and burring problems are common things to decrease. Many students,especially Korean students need free times, because they study till laterthan Japanese students in school. I thought cleaning activities are things to increase, but Korean school haven't cleaning activities, so these are things to add. These are big difference. It's important to know about diverse background when we discuss about the common theme. There are many ideas about "How education makes us happy" but almost of them are common ideas among studentsfrom different countries. We decided three things what we should do. "Open minds between teachers and students." "Share and exchange ideas from diverse background" "Have large dream in planned step to reach your goal without getting lost." We must follow these things because these were decided by ourselves. When we show models to our friends, this conference will have true meanings. I could have many friends. My English skills weren't enough, but when I tried to tell something to them, they listened to me. I was helped a lot. I felt their kindness from their actions. I wanted to tell gratitude to them more and more, but I could only say "Thank you so much". I want to be able to express my feelings in English. They speakEnglish like their native language. They are attentive to the people aroundthem. Many of them are about the same age as me, but they have many skills what I haven't. I will make effort and follow them. There are many problems among nations, but in this conference, we could accept and sympathize each other as a person. If we work together to make Asia where youth are happy, how great it will be! "Different ideas, Different lives, But We have a future" These are the most memorable words forme. Experiences of The 1st Asian Youth Conference are my treasure. These five days were the most satisfying days in my life. I thank everyone. I hope to join Asian Youth Conference and see my friends again.

【Murayama Asaka(村山 朝香)】
Before I go to Korea, I was nervous. Because I can't speak English well and I had never been to foriegn countries. So I was very happy when I welcomed by Korean students. They were very kind. They spoke more slowly when I didn't quite catch what they said. And they said to me "Ganbatte!" I felt all of foreigners were active during this conference. Japanese become modest like this, but I think that we have to act spontaneously. I was surprising Asian people have something a lot in common, too. I thought it is great to play same game together even if we live in different countries. And I feel the importance of speaking English. I haven't spoken English well yet, so I couldn't increase communication with them. This conference was a valuable experience for me. I'm really thankful to could take part in this conference.