
SPAIN1.JPGgeijyutukannsyou.JPG 曇天の中、午前10時から本校体育館で芸術鑑賞会を実施。全校児童生徒と楽しい時間を共有。一方午後には、スペインの方を迎え、高等部の(英語)コースの国際理解のための授業を実施。いろいろな取り組みが「見える」方向で進行中です。


An art appreciation meeting is carried out from 10:00 a.m. in a clouded sky in this school gymnasium.
All the  student have pleasant time .
On the other hand, in the afternoon, Spainish is greeted and the lesson for the international understanding of the course (English)  is carried out. Various measures are advancing towards "being visible." ( photographs are  frame of an appreciation meeting and international understanding lesson scenery.)( Automatic translation)



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