
KOKUSAIRIKAI.JPGWORKSPOT.JPG 朝夕の冷込みを感じる、まさに"霜月"到来です。2日高等部の就労・自立を支援するコース制授業では、地元の施設と連携して「校内清掃実習」を継続して実践中です。また、午後には10月18日のスペインの方に続きタイの方を招き、国際理解教育の実践を継続中です。いろんな取組みが「見える化」として少しづつ花咲く方向です。(写真は校内実習と国際理解教育の授業風景です。)

As we call it "Shimozuki",November has just started with a chilly wind.
Today,our high school students had job training of cleaning school with the support of our community groups.
We think it worthwhile for them to think and learn their first step of their future jobs in a few years.
We hope this experience  leads to their independence.
We aiso welcomed a foreign teacher from Thailand in our International Understanding course(We've welcomed a teacher from Spain on October 18 ) to learn Thai language,cultures and customs.
School of Takatsuki with special needs started valuable activities and learnings as "being visible" .(Each small steps will lead to big chances and achievements.)



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