• トップ
  • 2017年
  • 1月
  • National Competition of Inter-High School Impromptu English Debate Hosted by the PDA

National Competition of Inter-High School Impromptu English Debate Hosted by the PDA

Hello! I am Jodai, an English teacher. I will tell you about the PDA National Competition of Inter-High School Impromptu English Debate held on 24th and 25th of last December.

The above list shows participating schools, all called prestigious schools. From Toyonaka High School two teams participated.

The competition was held in Osaka Prefecture University Nakamozu Campus. First of all, let's take a commemorative photo

Before opening the debate, students are a little nervous.

In the competition, four-round debates are first performed and the top eight teams can advance to the quarter-finals.

This time themes were as follows:

Round 1 "Priority seats on trains should be abolished."

Round 2 "Genetically modified organism brings us more benefits than harm."

Round 3 "We should welcome the rent subsidies for female students of the University of Tokyo."

Round 4 "Japan should have nuclear weapons."

Let's see how the debate went on.


After the competition ended, the students praised their brave fight each other and talked about the topics again together.

After the four-round finished, it was growing dark.

The results were...

The B-team of Toyonaka High School all lost while the A-team recorded two wins and two losses. Unfortunately they could not go to the quarter-finals.

But it will be encouraging that they beat a high school with the second enrollment rate in Tokyo University.

The participating students started debate training only seven months ago. Given their ability not to have been able to speak simple English sentences, their progress was quite impressive.

I think they became aware that English debate training alone is not enough to make a persuasive speech. Probably they might deeply realize the importance of reading the newspaper routinely and considering everything through usual English class (including all curriculums) as well as practicing steadily, reading aloud and reciting sentences to improve English ability.

Our goal for the next year is to win first place! I believe younger students will achieve the goal.

Thank you for your hard work for two days during Christmas!

(Gift) Santa Claus gave a small gift.