International Interaction on the Web(オンライン国際交流!)

 昨年に引続き、オーストラリア ノーザンテリトリー州アリススプリングス市にあるセントラリアン・シニア・カレッジの生徒たちと、本校2年生(英語アドバンスコース)が、6/7(月)の5限目にWebでの交流を行いました。自己紹介に学校の特色等、それぞれが準備をし、発表しあいました。

Continuing from last year, the second grade students (Advanced English
course) interacted online with Centralian Senior College students in
Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia on Monday, June 7.
The students prepared a school introduction or a self-introduction in Japanese and English in advance and presented in turns.

Some students looked very nervous, but they were motivated.
They said, "This is a valuable experience, so I'll do my best." When
the Australian students gave their presentation, they listened hard. After their presentations, they felt a sense of fulfillment as they received an applause.

After the class, the students were looking forward to the next session,
saying "I want to do it again" or "When is next chance?"