ESS Events

The English Speaking Soceity meets every Tuesday and Wednesday in the LL room. Students enjoy English conversation, English games, studying with native teachers and special events such as Halloween an...

"Having an international student as a member of our club" by Molly As you saw on the last post of our club, we had an Australian student named Kathryn as an exchange student at Ikuno High. She was her...


皆さんこんにちは。2年2組のキャサリンです。今まで本当にありがとうございました。 生野の生徒と先生と色々な良い経験がたくさんできました。  日本に来たときには、日本語はほとんど喋れなかったから、すごく大変でした。そしてオーストラリアと全然違うので、文化や習慣が分かりにくかったです。でも、みんなはとても優しくて色々な言葉や文化を教えてくれたからうれしかったです。たくさん学べました。それから生野の皆さ...

school trip by Allison

We went to Guam for our school trip! It was the first time going abroad. On the 1st day, we flew to Guam. It took about 3 hours. Then, we visited Two Lovers Point. The view from there was so beautifu...

Appreciating Fine Art Event By Lucy

June 22nd, we went to The Symphony Hall to enjoy fine art. This year, we listened to classical music in the Osaka Symphony Orchestra. We listened to 8 songs. Carmen-Toreador Song by Bizet Eine Klein...

Dialy "the sports day" By Sophie

June 2, we prepared for the sports day. And then, we had the ball game rally in the afternoon. Boys and girls played different sports. Boys played soccer and basketball, and girls played volleyball an...

May 24th~28th by Ellie

Hello. Today, it was a hot day. Be careful of a heat attack. By the way , An athletic meet is held on June 3rd. We divide into 4 group (red group,blue group,yellow group,green group) and compete wit...

5/13-5/20  by Shelly

I had a math test on Monday. I’m bad at math. So this week I spent a lot of time studying math. However, the test has not been returned yet. I hope I get a good score on the test. For E.S.S. activitie...

ESS 日記始めます!

Thank you for visiting this page. Each week a different person from the E.S.S. club will write a diary entry about their school life and E.S.S. activities. Kathryn, an exchange student from Australia,...


PRACTICE & DISCUSSION、DRAMA、異文化理解が3つの柱。ALTや留学生とゲームや話をしたり、とても楽しくやっています。「聞く力」「話す力」を身につけることを目標としています。  英語が苦手でも全然大丈夫!「勉強」という形で英語に触れるのではなく,「コミュニケーション」としての英語を楽しみながら,語学力を身につけます。さあ!! そこのアナタ!! まずはESSに遊びに来てください...



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